
The union of quantum and climate research


Quantum technology is changing the way we think about how to solve certain impactful problems. Importantly, this relatively new paradigm has the potential to disrupt sectors with applications in areas of climate science, such as mitigation, adaptation and prediction. For this reason, quantum practitioners have a unique shot at helping to solve some of the singular challenges that our generation faces due to climate change.

About Us

Q4Climate is an initiative that gathers the research and industry communities together around quantum and climate sciences with the aim of developing new insights into how we may reduce the pace and impact of climate change. The project focuses on identifying new opportunities for research and on the development of quantum approaches to problems in climate science which are complemented with metrics to measure progress and impact in this area.

  • Identify most promising use cases for quantum technologies and algorithms targeting the mitigation, adaptation and prediction of climate change.
  • Find practical solutions using the highest possible scientific rigor.
  • Write a white paper summarizing our findings, in part inspired by related work on AI.
  • Host a workshop in Canada in mid 2021, which will also drive future stages of the Q4Climate project.


The workflow of Q4Climate, from brainstorm to written report.

Objective definition

Research and brainstorm on topics of interest.


Recruit executive members and advisors with expertise on significant sectors.

Report drafting

Online focus groups and research on chosen areas.


Organized sessions and discussions to define the final outcome for the current objective.

Report writing

Clear structure towards the production of a written report or scientific paper.

Current objective : Establish research priorities

The field of research at the intersection of quantum and climate is virtually non-existent as of 2021.

We aim to identify the most promising research priorities at the intersection of quantum and climate science to enable the emergence of this new domain.

As a first step, we have reviewed the literature in both climate and quantum science and determine key sectors.

We are currently at the drafting and workshop phases of this objective.


The Q4Climate team is composed of executive members, complemented by an advisory board.

Executive members

Agustin Di Paolo


Michał Stęchły

Zapata Computing

Karl Thibault

Institut quantique

Tracey Forrest

Transformative Quantum Technologies

Stuart Hadfield


Nicolas Sawaya


Casey Berger

Smith College

Nathan Lacroix

ETH Zürich

Sarah Blanchette

Université de Sherbrooke

Advisory Board

Q4Climate is currently recruiting Advisory Board members with expertise in mitigation, adaptation and prediction of climate change.

Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Zapata Computing University of Toronto

Alexandre Blais

Institut quantique Université de Sherbrooke

Michele Mosca

Institute for Quantum Computing University of Waterloo

Kristin Persson

University of California, Berkeley

Ron Dembo


Nicholas Farina


Brian Chol Soo Standen


Krysta Svore


Get involved now!

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Call To Action
